Monday, February 29, 2016

Happy Leap Year!!

Happy Leap Year!  I hope you make great use of your "extra" day this year!

Dr. Joe Mercola's website is one of my all time favorites.  He talks of a variety of topics (diet, vitamins, exercise, health etc) and keeps his information fresh and on the edge.  I couldn't resist the urge to post part of his "leap day" post....Enjoy!

Make Your ‘Leap Day’ Count

At any rate, we have an extra day, but here’s the beauty of it: For all the days you didn’t do all the healthy things for yourself that you know you should do and really want to do — Leap Year gives you that chance.
Although you likely won’t be able to do anything you’d like, you might think of it as your golden opportunity to spend at least part of Feb. 29 living intentionally and positively, for yourself and the people in your life. Here are some fun ways to do that, inspired by the number 29.
Try doing just one or two, and this will be a day not wasted!
  1. On the 28th, go to bed 29 minutes early.
  2. On the 29th, get up 29 minutes early.
  3. Drink 29 ounces of water.
  4. Take 29 slow breaths through your nose.
  5. Spread your feet, stretch upward slowly and touch your toes. Do this 29 times.
  6. Send a funny email to 29 people you know would appreciate it as much as you.
  7. Meditate, daydream or pray for 29 minutes.
  8. Exercise for 29 minutes.
  9. Make a list of 29 people who’ve helped, inspired or encouraged you. Resolve to tell them. Soon.
  10. Ride your bike for 29 minutes.
  11. Check your kitchen and pitch 29 unhealthy items.
  12. Spend 29 minutes more with the people you love than you normally do.
  13. Smile 29 minutes every hour of the day — or for at least 29 minutes
  14. Call a friend and talk about them as much as they want to for 29 minutes.
  15. If the weather is nice, spend 29 minutes outside.
  16. Drink another 29 ounces of water.
  17. Make a list of 29 to-die-for vacation spots. (You don’t have to actually go.)
  18. List 29 things you’re grateful for.
  19. Go through your closets and pick out 29 items to donate or give away.
  20. Pop 29 grapes into the freezer and share them later.
  21. Take a 29-minute nap or just spend that time relaxing with your eyes closed.
  22. Create a playlist of 29 of your favorite songs.
  23. Leave work 29 minutes early so you can “smell the roses” on the way home.
  24. List 29 positive things you’ve learned throughout your life.
  25. Take 29 calm, controlled breaths through your nose — again.
  26. Straighten or put away 29 items to neaten your space.
  27. Spend 29 minutes in a warm, sudsy bath, complete with candles and soft music.
  28. Go to bed 29 minutes earlier than usual — again.
  29. In your head, list 29 positive things about your day.


Remember that your health is the determined by how you eat, move and think!!


Hofferth Chiropractic Center

Office Hours (Dr Blaine and Massage Therapists)
Monday:  9-12 & 2-6
Tuesday:  11-1 & 2-6
Wednesday:  9-12 & 2-6
Thursday:  11-1 & 2-6
Friday:  9-12

Dr Jerry's Hours
Monday:  9-12 & 2-6
Tuesday:  2-6
Wednesday:  10:30-12 & 2-6
Thursday:  2-5

Friday:  9-12

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